Teach your baby to sign “stop”

Teach your baby to sign “stop”. Hand Shape: “B” shape with right hand, palm facing left; “B” shape with left hand, palm up. Location: at chest level Tip: like cutting something to make it stop Action: move side of right hand sharply down to stop on left palm Video...

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Teach your baby to sign “Left and Right”

Teach your baby to sign “Left and Right”. LEFT:  Hand Shape: “L” with dominate hand Location: chest area Tip: L is for left Action: move to the left a short distance RIGHT: Hand Shape: “R” with dominate hand Location: chest area Tip: R is for right Action: move to the...

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Teach your baby to sign “chase”

Teach your baby to sign “chase”. Hand Shape: Both hands “A” Location: chest level, both hands angle to the left, staggered. Tip: as if you are running after someone Action: Left “A” hand stays still while moving right “A” hand in a spiral movement. Video Transcript:...

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Teach your baby to sign “apple”

Teach your baby to sign “apple”. Hand Shape: “X” shape with right hand Location: at side of mouth Tip: as if twisting an apple stem at the “apple “of your cheek Action: twist back and forth downward two times Video transcript: Hi, and welcome to Sign Baby Sign. This...

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Teach your baby to sign “line up”

Teach your baby to sign “line up” Hand Shape: “4” hands, right hand facing in, left hand out, pinky and finger touch Location: Chest area Tip: Represents people lined up in a row Action: Move hands out in opposite directions Video transcript: Hi, and welcome to Sign...

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Teach your baby to sign “listen”

How to sign “listen” Hand Shape: “3” with right hand Location: thumb (of “3”) on right ear Tip: as if you were bringing sound into your ear Action: bend fingers 2x Video transcript: Hi, and welcome to Sign Baby Sign. This week’s word is “Listen”. L-I-S-T-E-N- Listen....

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Teach your baby to sign “dance”

How to sign “dance” Hand Shape: right hand “V” shape, left hand is flat with palm up Location: at chest level Tip: imitate someone dancing Action: move “V” hand back and forth across left palm Video transcript: Hi, and welcome to Sign Baby Sign. This week’s word is...

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Teach your baby to sign “car”

How to sign “car” Hand Shape: “S” hands, palms face each other Location: chest level Tip: pretend to drive Action: Move hands to simulate driving. Video transcript: Hi, and welcome to Sign Baby Sign. This week’s word has to do with transportation. The word is C-A-R...

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Teach your baby to sign “toilet”

How to sign “toliet” Hand Shape: “T” shape with right hand, palm facing outward Location: at shoulder level Tip: “T” is for toilet; the more you shake the sign, the more urgent it is Action: shake hand from left to right Video transcript: Hi, and welcome to Sign Baby...

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Teach Your Baby to Sign “Bed”

How to sign “bed” Hand Shape: “B” hands, hold like you are praying Location: side of head at ear Tip: like you are resting your head on a pillow Action: while titling head to one side, put hands on the side of head (can do with one hand) Video transcript: Hi, and...

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