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Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
beautiful (adjective)
having qualities of exciting pleasure - beauty aesthetic
generally pleasing - excellent
Merriam-Webster Online Thesaurus
beautiful (adjective)
very pleasing to look at
aesthetic ( esthetic aesthetical esthetical), attractive, beauteous, bonny ( bonnie), comely, cute, drop-dead, fair, fetching, good, good-looking, goodly, gorgeous, handsome, knockout, likely, lovely, lovesome, pretty, ravishing, seemly, sightly, stunning, taking, well-favored
alluring, appealing, charming, cunning, delightful, engaging, fascinating, glamorous ( glamourous), prepossessing; elegant, exquisite, glorious, Junoesque, magnificent, resplendent, splendid, statuesque, sublime, superb; flawless, perfect, radiant; dainty, delicate; personable, pleasant, presentable; chocolate-box, prettyish; desirable, dishy, dollish, foxy, hot, luscious, nubile, pulchritudinous, seductive, sexy, tasty, toothsome, yummy; hunky, studly []; arresting, eye-catching, flamboyant, flashy, glossy, showstopping, showy, slick, snazzy, splashy, striking, zingy; photogenic, telegenic
abhorrent, abominable, bad, disagreeable, disgusting, dreadful, foul, frightful, ghastly, horrible, loathsome, nasty, nauseating, objectionable, offensive, repellent ( repellant), repugnant, repulsive, revolting, shocking, sickening, terrible, vile; unappealing, unappetizing, unimposing, unpleasant, unprepossessing; frumpish, frumpy, unbecoming, unshapely; Gorgonian, haggish, witchy
grotesque, hideous, homely, ill-favored, plain, ugly, unaesthetic, unattractive, unbeautiful, uncomely, uncute, unhandsome, unlovely, unpleasing, unpretty, unsightly
beautiful (adjective)
of the very best kind
A-OK, A1, awesome, bang-up, banner, beautiful, blue-chip, blue-ribbon, boffo, bonny ( bonnie), boss, brag, brave, bully, bumper, capital, choice, classic, cool, corking, crackerjack, cracking, dandy, divine, dope, down, dynamite, fab, fabulous, famous, fantabulous, fantastic, fine, first-class, first-rate, first-string, five-star, four-star, frontline, gangbusters ( gangbuster), gilt-edged ( gilt-edge), gone, grand, great, groovy, heavenly, high-class, hot, hype, immense, jim-dandy, keen, lovely, marvelous ( marvellous), mean, neat, nifty, noble, number one ( No. 1), numero uno, out-of-sight, par excellence, peachy, peachy keen, phat, prime, primo, prize, prizewinning, quality, radical, righteous, sensational, slick, splendid, stellar, sterling, superb, superior, superlative, supernal, swell, terrific, tip-top, top, top-flight, top-notch, top-of-the-line, topping, top-shelf, unsurpassed, wizard, wonderful
acceptable, adequate, all right, decent, good, OK ( okay), passable, satisfactory, tolerable; better, exceptional, fancy, high-grade, high-test, premium, select, special, superfine; classical, standard, traditional
bad, inferior, low-grade, substandard, unsatisfactory; mediocre, middling, second-class, second-rate
atrocious, awful, execrable, lousy, pathetic, poor, rotten, terrible, vile, wretched

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