Hippity, hoppity, Easter’s on its way! That means people worldwide will soon be coloring eggs, going on egg hunts, and consuming lots and lots of candy. Here are some exciting Easter activities in the classroom just for you!
For this year’s Easter celebration, try out these Easter classroom activities with your elementary school students. They’ll have fun while sharpening their reading, writing, and STEM skills.
Have you thought about using sign language in your classroom? Sign Language and spoken language are complementary and, when combined in the classroom, can lead to increasing a student’s vocabulary knowledge. That’s why I love using the Sign Club for Children, where all the tools you need to be successful whether you know sign or not. Each week, you’ll have access to videos and lesson plans with clickable links to extra resources (ASL Lesson Plan Books, optional purchase). The purpose of the club is designed to bring awareness to the language through fun, engaging activities.
Fun Easter School Activities for the Classroom
These super-fun Easter ideas for learning are sure to put a spring in your students’ steps. Try these activities in the classroom or share them with parents to do with their kids at home.
I love plastic eggs because of all the many ways I can reuse them throughout the year, and are perfect for these activities. Note these activities can be altered, so you don’t have to use eggs.
Egg Hunt
I prepare for my classroom hunt with these ASL Easter Flashcards. Next, I place the images of each sign on a set of eggs with tape and hide them throughout my room. Then I take the signed flashcards and place them inside my eggs and place them in a basket. Later I will have my students pick an egg and open it to identify the vocabulary word and sign it before they search the room for the matching egg. Best to set a time for each search; if they don’t find it by the time my timer dings, the egg goes back into the basket.
Increase your student’s Easter ASL Vocabulary with this interactive game for learning signs. This Free 6-card sample set teaches Easter-related signs in progression.
Learn the ASL signs for Easter!
Fun Easter Group Activities
Get ready for giggles and excitement with this group activity using the ASL Easter Dice. I divide my students up into groups and give each group a die. Groups are instructed to roll the dice, and whatever it lands on, they must use the vocabulary word in a sentence, and then they are to find the item in my classroom. I have the group draw a classroom map marking each item found.
Another great group game is the ASL Fortune Teller game. Fate or Fortune? This cute interactive bunny cootie catcher game will challenge your student’s vocabulary skills.
Oh, baskets, I almost forgot to mention the ASL Jellybean Roulette Game! Jellybeans just got fun in this interactive game that also teaches the colors in sign language. Learn more about this fun game and how to play it below.
Easter Coloring, Writing, and More
Another Easter activity in the classroom that brings creative thinking and fun all in one! You will love these Easter Coloring Pages. Featuring different Easter-themed signs for coloring and a spot to work on those writing skills. Have students write the word for the sign or a sentence about the image.
Read/watch the story I Like My Ears to the class before or after your free coloring time. Below you will find the video to watch this lovely book be read aloud and signed in ASL and English.

Ear-tastic ASL Story!
Egg Sink or Float
Demonstrate the concepts of buoyancy and density with an Easter egg float or sink challenge! Provide students with plastic Easter eggs and various materials of varying weights, such as small stones, dice, coins, feathers, jellybeans, mini marshmallows, etc. Then challenge students to fill their eggs with items and test whether their eggs sink or float in a water bowl.
Egg Roll Distance Measurement
The folks at the White House don’t have to be the only ones having Easter egg roll fun! We love this Easter activity in the classroom and out! This plastic Easter egg idea will require a bit of space, and you’ll need to pull out a measuring tape and some masking tape to mark off the starting line and finish line for their eggs. The goal of the game? See who can roll their egg the farthest!
Egg Toss
Give each pair of students an egg. The partners face each other, about 1 meter away from each other, forming two rows. Students toss the egg back and forth between them. With each successful back-and-forth toss (i.e., the egg does not hit the ground), the pair takes one step back from each other.

Who is winning the egg toss, Teachers or students?
Egg Towers
Hand out plastic eggs and challenge your students to create the tallest tower of egg “shells” to build their design thinking and engineering skills. Before building their towers, students should follow through on the parts of the scientific method, making a prediction of what they think will happen and describing how they plan to build their tower and why. Challenge them to use other items in the classroom — for example, can you make it taller or a different design by using playdough or sticky tack?
After towers are built (and many come crashing down!), have your students follow up by writing out their observations or describing what went right or wrong!
Easter Craft Ideas for the Classroom
Awaken all creativity in your classroom with these Easter crafts! Fun and easily adaptable to your classroom needs.
Make an Easter Mask
Challenge students to create Easter-themed masks using easy-to-find supplies, such as paper plates, paint, crayons, cotton balls, construction paper, buttons, pipe cleaners, and glue. Let them find inspiration in nature or online for their designs. However, if they need a little help getting started, the paper plate bunny below should help.

Bunny-rific cuteness!
When crafting their masks, challenge students to explore other Easter or spring-related themes besides bunny rabbits. How about bunny ears, a floral headband, or a paper plate chick mask? What can they use to make these masks or headbands they might already have in the classroom? For example, buttons can work as an animal’s eyes or a nose. Pipe cleaners or strips of paper can serve as whiskers.
Easter Handprint Cards
If you love handprint crafts, these are the perfect ones for Easter! These Easter Handprint Cards are the cutest handmade Easter cards for kids to make. Kids will love making their handprint sheep, handprint chick, and handprint bunny! And the best part is they only require a few supplies to make! Take some card stock, fold in half, trace those cute little hands, and cut. Now for the real fun, using supplies already in the classroom – constriction paper, pipe cleaners, googly eyes, cotton balls, etc. – create cute little animals on the front. Inside the card, students can write their names or an Easter message.
Easter Egg Suncatcher
This Easter activity in the classroom is going to be your new favorite! This versatile craft is fun for all ages. You can use whatever tissue paper colors you desire. I usually give my students pre-made eggs from construction paper and clear contact paper. I have the students collect their preferred colors of tissue paper and place everything on their desks. Next, I have the students lift the contact paper and insert their pre-cut egg shape and fill the egg with tissue paper (you can add additional items to the supplies, like pipe cleaners, ribbons, glitter, etc.) Once they have decorated it to their liking, I have them close the contact paper and press it together firmly. Finally, students can trim the contact paper around their eggs and display them in front of a window to share their designs with the other students. Easter egg suncatcher makes a fun classroom project or something to do with the kids at home!

Beautiful artwork!
Easter Egg Paintings
Remember I said I love reusing those plastic eggs? Reuse those egg tower eggs here! I love the creativity that my students bring to this craft. Every student gets a blank sheet of paper, several paint colors, and a handful of egg halves. Now it’s time to paint. Dip those eggs into the paint and press them onto the paper. Beautiful works of art every time!
Easter Napkin Rings
A super easy craft for everyone. You will want plenty of options in your supplies for this craft. I always have on-hand string/yarn, paint, construction paper, cotton balls, glitter, feathers, and toilet paper rolls. I take the toilet paper rolls and pre-cut them so each student can make a few to take home for the holiday. Time to get creative with those napkin rings.

Adorable Easter Crafts
Exciting Easter Experiments

Egg-citing science!
Science and Easter can be so fun. Here are some additional resources to help you with your students.
More ASL Easter Resources
Easter is one of my favorite holidays during the school year — who am I kidding, I love them all! Looking for more amazing ASL resources for your classroom? Check our ready-made resources below!
I hope you enjoy all these Easter Activities in the Classroom! Happy Easter to your classroom from ours!