Thanksgiving Sign Language Resources
Scroll down for your free ASL gift! Congrats to our winner is...Meaghan Collins Bobbie will be getting a free 5 Course ASL for beginners on line class! Want to win? We will be having a third drawing in November. You may register once a week to win our online...
Trick or Treat? It’s our treat! Sign Language Resource
Scroll down for your free ASL gift! We are giving a way one free online sign language class, "Learn ASL in 30 Days", in exchange for your feedback. This will be our last week for the drawing. Register for your chance to win. [products...
Halloween Sign Language & ASL in 30 Days
Scroll down for your free gift! We are giving a way one free online sign language class, "Learn ASL in 30 Days", in exchange for your feedback. Register for your chance to win. Do you live in the Cincinnati area? Classes start now! Register today on...
Halloween Sign Language & Creation Museum Deaf Day
Scroll down for your free gift! Want to win this? American Sign Language Lesson Plan Book. To enter, you must post something you like from our site to 2 places of your choice: Pinterest, Face Book, Co-Workers, Email a teacher, etc. Eligible entries...
Sign Language Gift, How to Sign Tree
Scroll down for your free gift! Want to win this? American Sign Language Lesson Plan Book. To enter, you must post something you like from our site to 2 places of your choice: Pinterest, Face Book, Co-Workers, Email a teacher, etc. Eligible entries...
Pat Flynn & Sign Baby Sign
Sign Baby Sign's question was featured on ASKPAT.COM Episode #687 "How do I create a video podcast". Will be showing off our Ask Pat T-shirt soon. Thanks Pat for guiding us! Our site is getting a makeover! In the next two weeks our site will have it's new look. Easy...
It’s here! ASL Lesson Plan Book- Calendar
ASL Teacher Resources Congratulations to Melissa Kelly, our winner from this week's drawing for our newest ASL Lesson Plan Book. We will have 3 more drawings in September. If you'd like to get in on the drawing for our newest ASL book, just email us on our contact...
Teaching children sign language in schools
Coming Soon! ASL Lesson Plans. Freedom to choose the ASL lesson you want. Up to 5 PDF downloadable lessons weekly. Child’s worksheet of the ASL lesson. 8 X 10 PDF poster size ASL sign. 1 ASL flash card set each week. 1 ASL dice set each week. Click here for...
Teachers, It’s FREE – 5 Days Only!
Do you work with children? Keep reading...our freebie is really big this week. 5 Days Only - 5 Questions. Take our survey and you can download a FREE gift. Limited time only, you get access to a part of our new series ASL Lesson Plans. Our 20 book series is designed...
Is this for the birds? Free bird fun!
Teach your children how to sign “bird”. News update: Sign Baby Sign will be taking the summer to create new and exciting resources for those teaching children with sign language. What this means is after next week's blog on "boats", our blogs will be geared to...