Tools for Implementing ASL in the Classroom


Discover how to get the most out of ASL Resources and Sign Club for Kids. Tools for Integrating ASL in the Classroom allows you to select a specific course topic and watch a 30-60 minute video to learn how to use our resources effectively.


Discover how to get the most out of ASL Resources and Sign Club for Children. Tools for Implementing ASL in the Classroom allows you to choose a specific course topic and view a 30-60 minute video to learn how to make the most of our resources.

What you will learn:

√ Explain where you can find specialized resources for working with children/students.

√ Introduce yourself to this week’s Sign program for children.

√ Shows how to implement the lessons and how to get free support videos.

√ Guides you on how to be successful whether you know sign or not.

√ Demonstrate tools for teaching online or in person.

In the end, we will give you a one-time promotion that unlocks hundreds of resources beyond what I show you in these training. If you use sign language with students, then you will not want to miss this.

A certificate of attendance will be given for Professional Development.
You will get a 2-part code (at the beginning and the end).
The webinar will be presented in sign and voiced.

Save time and money by becoming a member. You’ll love the benefits of your membership. Click – Print – Teach

Memberships Here

For more videos, subscribe to our YouTube here.

Bonus!! Free tools will be provided during live webinars.

We want YOU to be SUCCESS! We give you all the tools necessary.

​​Tour our site here!

*Note: Memberships have changed since this recording; videos and handouts referencing “free” or “unlimited downloads” may not apply. Details and FAQ hereVisit our Amazon Store.

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ASL Teaching Resources
text online training woman at laptop with children on screen
ASL-in-the-Classroom written on chalkboard with children sitting in front of it.
text: sign-club-for-children. has children excited to learn sign language
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