Learn to Sign the Phrase “Good Job”
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Learn to Sign the Word Wait
Download a Coloring Sheet to Reinforce Learning Coloring sheets are offered for free during the first week after our video blogs are posted. Make sure to subscribe to take advantage of the free download period.
Learn to Sign the Word Dog
Hand Shape: flat hand, closed fingers Location: at right thigh Tip: as if calling a dog to you Action: Tap thigh a few times Note: This is also commonly signed using a snap, middle finger and thumb snap twice quickly. There are two different ways to sign the word...
Learn to Sign the Word Milk
Hand Shape: starts with C and changes to S Location: chest area Tip: like milking a cow Action: With dominant hand, your “C” hand shape closes to an “S” twice. This is a wonderful sign to teach because you will soon see your baby sign the word milk. So if you’re...
Learn to Sign the Word Help
Hand Shape: ”A” shape with right hand, sitting on upturned palm of left hand Location: at chest level Tip: left hand is helping the right hand Action: lift hands up a little Now a little more information about this sign, it can be a directional verb. If you say,...
Learn to Sign the Word Finish
Hand Shape: open 5 hands, palms facing chest Location: chest Tip: as if pushing something away Action: shake hands outward two times This is an excellent sign to teach your infant as well as your toddler. They pick up on this quite early. Now you might see the baby...
Learn to Sign the Word Coat
Hand Shape: “A” hands Location: shoulder to chest Tip: as if you are putting on a coat Action: hands move from shoulder to chest with a down and inward arch. To learn to sign the word coat, start using this sign each time you get out the coat or jacket. Remember each...