Learn to Sign the Numbers 1-5
Hand Shape: palm will face your body Location: chest area Tip: remember “3” is unique, don’t confuse it with “6” Action: see video for each number Transcript: This week’s word deals with counting from 1-5, and later (another week) we’ll do 6-10. So for numbers 1-5 you...
Learn to Sign the Word Mother
Hand Shape: open “5” dominant hand Location: chin Tip: chin area represents females due to the string of a bonnet Action: tap 2x Transcript: This week’s word comes just in time for the holidays recognizing our mothers. For MOM, take your open 5 hand and at your chin...
Learn to Sign the Word Rain
Hand Shape: claws with both hands, palms down Location: upper chest Tip: as if rain is coming down Action: move hands downward in a bouncing motion twice Video transcript: We are going to focus on a rainy day. So for RAIN you will take your open 5 hands and bring them...
Learn to Sign the Word Please
Hand Shape: flat hand, fingers closed, palm facing body Location: at chest level Tip: as if asking politely a request from the heart. Action: move hand in circle over heart twice Video transcript: PLEASE is done with an open flat hand on the chest with downward...
Learn to Sign the Word Flower
Hand Shape: flat “O” shape with right hand Location: at right side of nose Tip: as if you’re smelling a flower Action: move hand to left side of nose Video transcript: Flower is done with one hand and has your finger tips closed to touch each other, and then you would...
Learn to Sign the Word Book
Hand Shape: flat hands, closed fingers, Location: chest area Tip: your hands are the book Action: start with “prayer” hands, open twice (keep pinky side of hands touching). Video transcript: BOOK is done with the “prayer” hands and you would open it two times for the...
Learn to Sign the Word See
Hand shape: “V” with right hand, palm facing you Location: near side of your right eye Tip: The “V” becomes your eyes. Action: Start at the corner of your eye, move forward a short distance. This sign can be used throughout the day in games such as “Peek-A-Boo, I see...
Learn to Sign the Phrase Clean Your Room
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Learn to Sign the Word Horse
Download a Coloring Sheet to Reinforce Learning Coloring sheets are offered for free during the first week after our video blogs are posted. Make sure to subscribe to take advantage of the free download period.