
Are you an educator or parent looking for helpful techniques and strategies for using Sign Language with children? Join us as we discuss topics that you need. Each webinar includes professional development opportunities.



Webinars, we’ll guide you on how to use ASL Teaching Resources. In addition, you’ll learn tips and tricks to finding what you need for your students and learning sign language yourself.

Webinar Training

Who: Those who work with children using sign language: elementary teachers, special needs adults, homeschool, speech pathologist, daycares, etc.

Description: Are you working with children (deaf or hearing), or do you want to incorporate Sign Language? In this training, we will show you excellent resources where all the work is done for YOU.

What you will learn:

√ Explain where you can find resources that are specialized for working with children.

√ Introduce you to this week’s Sign program for children and how to get it.

√ Show how to implement the lessons and how to get support videos.

√ Guide you on how to be successful whether you know sign or not.

√ Demonstrate tools for teaching online or in person.

Support Webinars

Register here to join the next Online training.

Sign Language Resources in our memberships or visit our Teacher Pay Teachers Store here.

For more videos, subscribe to our YouTube here.



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ASL Teaching Resources
Category Live Training teacher-online-course-free-asl-09
text: sign-club-for-children. has children excited to learn sign language
ASL-in-the-Classroom written on chalkboard with children sitting in front of it.
text online training woman at laptop with children on screen
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