Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
look (verb)transitive verb
to make sure or take care (that something is done)
to ascertain by the use of one's eyes - look what I brought you
a) to exercise the power of vision upon - examine
b) archaic to search for
a) - expect anticipate we look to have a good year
b) to have in mind as an end - looking to win back some lost profits
archaic to bring into a place or condition by the exercise of the power of vision
to express by the eyes or facial expression
intransitive verb
to have an appearance that befits or accords with - looks her age
a) to exercise the power of vision - see
b) to direct one's attention - look upon the future with hope look at the map
c) to direct the eyes - looked up from the newspaper
to have the appearance or likelihood of being - seem it looks unlikely looks to be hard work
to have a specified outlook - the house looked east
to gaze in wonder or surprise - stare
to show a tendency - the evidence looks to acquittal expect
a) the act of - looking
b) - glance
a) the expression of the countenance
b) physical appearance , especially attractive physical appearance - usually used in plural
c) a combination of design features giving a unified appearance - a new look in women's fashions
the state or form in which something appears
Merriam-Webster Online Thesaurus
look (noun)1.
facial appearance regarded as an indication of mood or feeling
cast, countenance, expression, face, visageRELATED WORDS:
frown, grimace, lower ( lour), mouth, pout, scowl; grin, smile; air, appearance, aspect, bearing, demeanor, manner, mien, presence2.
an instance of looking especially briefly
cast, eye, gander, glance, glimpse, peek, peep, regard, sight, viewRELATED WORDS:
gape, gaze, glare, leer, ogle, stare; side-glance; squinny, squint; coup d'oeil3.
the outward form of someone or something especially as indicative of a quality
aspect, dress, figure, garb, look, mien, outside, presence, regardRELATED WORDS:
air, attitude, bearing, behavior, comportment, demeanor, deportment, manner, poise, pose; carriage, posture, stance; cast, mold, shape, turn; color, coloring, complexion; countenance, face, features, habit, habitus, person [], physiognomy, superficies, visageArraygrotesqueness, hideousness, homeliness, plainness, ugliness, unattractiveness, unbecomingness, unloveliness, unsightliness
look (verb)the qualities in a person or thing that as a whole give pleasure to the senses
aesthetics ( esthetics), attractiveness, beauteousness, beautifulness, comeliness, cuteness, fairness, gorgeousness, handsomeness, looks, loveliness, prettiness, sightlinessRELATED WORDS:
allure, appeal, attraction, fascination, glamour ( glamor); charm, delightfulness, elegance, exquisiteness, gloriousness, radiance, radiancy, resplendence, resplendency, splendidness, splendiferousness, sublimeness, sublimity, superbness; desirability, desirableness, foxiness, lusciousness, nubility, pulchritude, seductiveness, sex appeal, sexiness, shapeliness, tastiness, toothsomeness, yumminess; flawlessness, perfection; daintiness, delicacy; flamboyance, flashiness, glossiness, showiness, slickness, splashinessNEAR ANTONYMS:
disagreeableness, dreadfulness, foulness, ghastliness, horribleness, loathsomeness, nastiness, offensiveness, repellency, repulsiveness, terribleness, vileness; blemish, flaw, imperfection1.
to give the impression of being
act, appear, come across (as), come off (as), feel, look, make, soundRELATED WORDS:
dissemble, pretend; recall, resemble, suggest; hint, imply, insinuate2.
to make known (as an idea, emotion, or opinion)
air, expound, give, look, raise, sound, state, vent, ventilate, voiceRELATED WORDS:
advertise, announce, declare, enounce, enunciate, proclaim, say; broadcast, circulate, disseminate, publish; describe, write, write up; sound off, speak out, speak up; chime in; communicate, convey, put across, put over; offer, submitNEAR ANTONYMS:
censor, restrain, restrict3.
to have in mind as a purpose or goal
aim, allow, aspire, calculate, contemplate, design, go, look, mean, meditate, plan, propose, purport, purposeRELATED WORDS:
dream, hope, wish; consider, debate, mull (over), ponder; attempt, endeavor, strive, struggle, try; plot, scheme; accomplish, achieve, effect, execute, performto make note of (something) through the use of one's eyes
behold, catch, descry, discern, distinguish, espy, eye, look (at), note, notice, observe, perceive, regard, remark, sight, spot, spy, view, witnessRELATED WORDS:
identify, make out, pick out, pick up; attend (to), consider, heed, mark, mind; study, watch; examine, inspect, scan, scrutinize, survey; glance (at), glimpse, peer (at)NEAR ANTONYMS:
disregard, ignore, neglect, overpass, pass over; miss, overlookto search through or into
delve (into), dig (into), examine, inquire (into), investigate, look (into), probe, researchRELATED WORDS:
inspect, sift, study, view; browse, cruise, peruse, scan, skim (through), surf, thumb (through); coinvestigate, reinvestigateto think of in a particular way
account, call, count, esteem, hold, look (on upon), rate, reckon, regard, set down, viewRELATED WORDS:
believe, deem, feel, sense, think; conceive, fancy, imagineto stand or sit with the face or front toward
front, look (toward), point (toward)RELATED WORDS:
abut, adjoin, border, bound, fringe, margin, meet, neighbor, rim, skirt, touch; command, dominate, overlook; look down (on)