Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
register (noun)1.
a written record containing regular entries of items or details
a) a book or system of public records
b) a roster of qualified or available individuals - a civil service register
an entry in a register
a) a set of organ pipes of like quality - stop
b) (1) the range of a human voice or a musical instrument
(2) a portion of such a range similarly produced or of the same quality
c) any of the varieties of a language that a speaker uses in a particular social context
a grille often with shutters for admitting heated air or for ventilation
- registration registry
a) an automatic device a number or a quantity - registering
b) a number or quantity so - registered
c) - cash register
a condition of correct alignment or proper relative position
a device (as in a computer) for storing small amounts of data , especially one in which data can be both stored and operated on
transitive verb
a) to make or secure official entry of in a register
b) to enroll formally especially as a voter or student
c) to record automatically - indicate
d) to make a record of - note
e) - perceive , also - comprehend
to make or adjust so as to correspond exactly
to secure special protection for (a piece of mail) by prepayment of a fee
to convey an impression of - express
intransitive verb
- achieve registered an impressive victory
a) to enroll one's name in a register - registered at the hotel
b) to enroll one's name officially as a prerequisite for voting
c) to enroll formally as a student
a) to correspond exactly
b) to be in correct alignment or register
to make or convey an impression
- registrar
Merriam-Webster Online Thesaurus
register (noun)an official whose job is to keep records
register, registrar, scribe, secretaryRELATED WORDS:
archivist, bookkeeper, recorder, reporter, transcriptionist; annalist, chronicler, documenter, historiana record of a series of items (as names or titles) usually arranged according to some system
canon, catalog ( catalogue), checklist, listing, menu, register, registry, roll, roll call, roster, schedule, tableRELATED WORDS:
agenda, bibliography, catalogue raisonné, compendium, compilation, directory, docket, enumeration, glossary, index, inventory, manifest, payroll; calendar, chronology, timetable1.
to add (a person) to a list or roll as a participant or member
inscribe, list, matriculate, registerRELATED WORDS:
enlist, impanel, induct; conscript, draft, muster; wait-list; book, schedule; check inNEAR ANTONYMS:
check off; exclude, expel, expunge, reject; omit, overlook2.
to make a written note of
jot (down), log, mark, note, put down, register, report, set down, take down, write downRELATED WORDS:
chronicle, minute, transcribe; enregister, enter, inscribe; chalk (up), notch, score3.
to put (someone or something) on a list
catalog ( catalogue), enroll ( enrol), enter, index, inscribe, put down, record, register, schedule, slateRELATED WORDS:
book, card, file, note; classify, compile, tabulate, tally; rescheduleNEAR ANTONYMS:
to have a clear idea of
appreciate, apprehend, assimilate, behold, catch, catch on (to), cognize, compass, conceive, cotton (to on to), decipher, decode, dig, discern, get, grasp, grok, intuit, know, make, make out, perceive, recognize, register, savvy, see, seize, sense, tumble (to), twig, understandRELATED WORDS:
absorb, digest, take in; realize; fathom, penetrate, pierceNEAR ANTONYMS:
misapprehend, misconceive, misconstrue, misinterpret, misperceive, misread, mistake, misunderstand