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Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
plenty (noun)
a) a full or more than adequate amount or supply - had plenty of time to finish the job
b) a large number or amount - in plenty of trouble
the quality or state of being copious - plentifulness
plenty (adjective)
in amount, number, or supply - plentiful if reasons were as plenty as blackberries Shakespeare
- ample plenty work to be done Time
plenty (adverb)
more than sufficiently to a considerable degree - the nights were plenty cold F. B. Gipson
Merriam-Webster Online Thesaurus
plenty (adjective)
being more than enough without being excessive
abundant, ample, aplenty, bounteous, bountiful, comfortable, cornucopian, galore, generous, liberal, plenteous, plenty
extra, supernumerary, surplus; abounding, blooming, overflowing, plump, replete, rich, rife, teeming, wealthy; adequate, enough, sufficient; fat, fecund, fertile, fruitful, luxuriant, prodigal, prolific; copious, fulsome, lavish, profuse
deficient, inadequate, insufficient, lacking, wanting; meager ( meagre), niggardly, stingy; skimpy; least, minimum; light, slight, small; barren, infertile, sterile, unfruitful, unproductive
bare, minimal, scant, spare
plenty (noun)
an amount or supply more than sufficient to meet one's needs
abundance, cornucopia, feast, plenitude, plentitude, plethora, superabundance, wealth
adequacy, competence, competency, sufficiency; ampleness, amplitude, liberality; excess, overdose, overflow, overkill, oversupply, redundancy, superfluity, superfluousness, surfeit, surplus; copiousness, fecundity, fertility, fruitfulness, opulence, richness; lavishness, luxuriance
embarrassment of riches
paucity, poverty, scarcity; barrenness, infertility, sterility
deficiency, inadequacy, insufficiency, undersupply
plenty (noun)
a considerable amount
abundance, barrel, basketful, boatload, bucket, bunch, bundle, bushel, carload, chunk, deal, dozen, fistful, gobs, good deal, heap, hundred, lashings ( lashins), loads, mass, mess, mountain, much, multiplicity, myriad, oodles, pack, passel, peck, pile, plateful, plenitude, plentitude, plenty, pot, potful, profusion, quantity, raft, reams, scads, sheaf, shipload, sight, slew, spate, stack, store, ton, truckload, volume, wad, wealth, yard
epidemic, plague, rash; bonanza, embarrassment, excess, overabundance, overage, overkill, overmuch, oversupply, plethora, redundancy, superabundance, superfluity, surfeit, surplus; deluge, flood, overflow; army, bevy, cram, crowd, crush, drove, flock, herd, horde, host, legion, mob, multitude, press, score, sea, swarm, throng; gazillion, jillion, kazillion, million, thousands, trillion, zillion
atom, crumb, dot, fleck, flyspeck, fragment, grain, granule, iota, jot, modicum, molecule, mote, nubbin, particle, ray, scintilla, scrap, shred, tittle, whit; smatter, smattering; dash, drop, morsel, shot; piece, portion, section; absence, dearth, famine, lack, paucity, poverty, scarceness, scarcity, shortage, undersupply, want; deficiency, deficit, inadequacy, insufficiency, meagerness, scantiness, scantness, skimpiness
ace, bit, dab, dram, driblet, glimmer, handful, hint, lick, little, mite, mouthful, nip, ounce, peanuts, pinch, pittance, scruple, shade, shadow, smidgen ( smidgeon smidgin smidge), speck, spot, sprinkle, sprinkling, strain, streak, suspicion, tad, taste, touch, trace

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