Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
habit (noun)1.
archaic - clothing
a) a costume characteristic of a calling, rank, or function - a nun's habit
b) a costume worn for horseback riding
manner of conducting oneself - bearing
bodily appearance or makeup - a man of fleshy habit
the prevailing disposition or character of a person's thoughts and feelings mental makeup
a settled tendency or usual manner of behavior - her habit of taking a morning walk
a) a behavior pattern acquired by frequent repetition or physiologic exposure that shows itself in regularity or increased facility of performance
b) an acquired mode of behavior that has become nearly or completely involuntary - got up early from force of habit
c) - addiction a drug habit
characteristic mode of growth or occurrence - a grass similar to Indian corn in habit
of a crystal characteristic assemblage of forms at crystallization leading to a usual appearance - shape
transitive verb
- clothe dress
Merriam-Webster Online Thesaurus
habit (noun)1.
a usual manner of behaving or doing
custom, fashion, habitude, pattern, practice ( practise), ritual, second nature, trick, way, wontRELATED WORDS:
addiction; disposition; bent, inclination, proclivity, set, tendency, tenor, turn; bag, convention, form, mode, style; usage, use; deportment, manners, mores; drill, groove, jog trot, regime ( régime), regimen, rote, routine, rut; affectation, airs, pose; attribute, characteristic, mark, trait; eccentricity, kink, oddity, peculiarity, quirk, singularity, tic2.
a physiological need for certain drugs
dependence ( dependance), habit, jones, monkeyRELATED WORDS:
alcoholism, heroinism, morphinism; habituation, tolerance3.
the type of body that a person has
build, constitution, figure, form, frame, habit, shapeRELATED WORDS:
anatomy, structurearchaic
habit (verb)covering for the human body
apparel, attire, clobber, clothes, costumery, dress, duds, garments, gear, habiliment(s), habit, rags, raiment, rig, rigging, threads, toggery, togs, vestiary, vestments, vesture, wear, wearables, weedsRELATED WORDS:
garderobe, wardrobe; array, bravery, caparison, finery, gaiety ( gayety), glad rags, pretties, regalia, trim; foofaraw, frippery, gaudery, tawdry, trumpery []; tatters; costume, ensemble, frock, garb, getup, guise, livery, outfit; civvies ( civies), mufti; couture, prêt-à -porter ( pret-a-porter), ready-to-wear, tailoring; activewear, loungewear, outerwear, playwear, sportswear; nightclothes, sleepwear, smallclothes, underclothes, underwear; haberdashery, menswearto outfit with clothes and especially fine or special clothes
apparel, array, attire, bedeck, caparison, costume, deck (out), do up, dress, dress up, enrobe, garb, garment, get up, gown, habit, invest, rig (out), robe, suit, tog (up out), toilet, vestureRELATED WORDS:
cloak, frock, jacket, mantle, vest; drape, enswathe, hap [], huddle, swaddle, swathe, wrap; accoutre ( accouter), bedight [], equip, furnish, habilitate, outfit, tailor, uniform; dress down, underdressNEAR ANTONYMS:
denude, divest, uncover, undrape, unveil