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fireworks (noun plural)1.
an outburst or display of excited anger
blowup, explosion, fireworks, fit, hissy, hissy fit, huff, sceneRELATED WORDS:
eruption, flare-up, outburst, storm, uproar; agitation, delirium, distraction, frenzy, furor, furore, fury, hysteria, rage, rampage; convulsion(s), paroxysm, seizure, spasm, upheaval; angriness, choler, indignation, irateness, ire, lividity, lividness, spleen, wrath, wrathfulness; reaction, rise; dander, temper; grouch, hump [], pet, pouts, snit, sulk(s), sulkiness, sullenness2.
a spectacular display or performance of artistic or technical skill
fireworks, pyrotechnicsRELATED WORDS:
extravaganza, pageant, spectacle