Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
close (verb)transitive verb
a) to move so as to bar passage through something - close the gate
b) to block against entry or passage - close a street
c) to deny access to - the city closed the beach
d) - screen exclude close a view
e) to suspend or stop the operations of - close school often used with down
archaic - enclose contain
a) to bring to an end or period - close an account
b) to conclude discussion or negotiation about - the question is closed , also to consummate by performing something previously agreed - close a transfer of real estate title
c) to terminate access to (a computer file or program)
a) to bring or bind together the parts or edges of - a closed book
b) to fill up (as an opening)
c) to make complete by circling or enveloping or by making continuous - close a circuit
intransitive verb
d) to reduce to nil - closed the distance to the lead racer
a) to contract, fold, swing, or slide so as to leave no opening - the door closed quietly
b) to cease operation - the factory closed down the stores close at 9 p.m.
a) to draw near - the ship was closing with the island
b) to engage in a struggle at close quarters - grapple close with the enemy
a) to come together - meet
b) to draw the free foot up to the supporting foot in dancing
to enter into or complete an agreement - close on a deal
to come to an end or period - the services closed with a short prayer
to reduce a gap - closed to within two points
a) a coming or bringing to a conclusion - at the close of the party
b) a conclusion or end in time or existence - cessation the decade drew to a close
c) the concluding passage (as of a speech or play)
the conclusion of a musical strain or period - cadence
archaic a hostile encounter
the movement of the free foot in dancing toward or into contact with the supporting foot
a) an enclosed area
b) chiefly British the precinct of a cathedral
chiefly British
a) a narrow passage leading from a street to a court and the houses within or to the common stairway of tenements
b) a road at one end - closed
having no openings - closed
a) confined or carefully guarded - close arrest
b) (1) of a vowel - high
(2) formed with the tongue in a higher position than for the other vowel of a pair
restricted to a privileged class
a) - secluded secret
b) - secretive she could tell us something if she would … but she was as close as wax A. Conan Doyle
- strict rigorous keep close watch
hot and stuffy - a room with an uncomfortably close atmosphere
not generous in giving or spending - tight
having little space between items or units - a close weave a close grain
a) fitting tightly or exactly - a close fit
b) very short or near to the surface - a close haircut
being near in time, space, effect, or degree - at close range close to my birthday close to the speed of sound
- intimate familiar close friends
a) very precise and attentive to details - a close reading a close study
b) marked by fidelity to an original - a close copy of an old master
c) - terse compact
decided or won by a narrow margin - a close baseball game
difficult to obtain - money is close
of punctuation characterized by liberal use especially of commas stingy
in a close position or manner
Chuck 1940–     Am. painter - Charles Thomas Close
Merriam-Webster Online Thesaurus
close (noun)an open space wholly or partly enclosed (as by buildings or walls)
close, courtyard, enclosure ( inclosure), patio, quad, quadrangle, yardRELATED WORDS:
atrium, galleria, parvis ( parvise), peristyle; forecourt, place, plaza, square; deck, terrace; curtilage1.
the stopping of a process or activity
arrest, arrestment, cease, cessation, check, close, closedown, closure, conclusion, cutoff, discontinuance, discontinuation, ending, expiration, finish, halt, lapse, offset, shutdown, shutoff, stay, stop, stoppage, surcease, terminationRELATED WORDS:
mop-up, phaseout; abeyance, break, interruption, layoff, letup, moratorium, pause, standstill, suspensionNEAR ANTONYMS:
extension, persistence, prolongation2.
the last part of a process or action
capper, close, closing, conclusion, consummation, end, endgame, ending, finis, finish, grand finale, home stretch, mop-up, windup, wrap-upRELATED WORDS:
acme, apex, capstone, climax, copestone, coup de grâce ( coup de grace), crescendo, crown, culmination, high-water mark, meridian, peak, pinnacle, summit, tip-top, top, zenith; aftermath, anticlimax, coda, epilogue ( epilog), postscript; shank, tag end, tail endNEAR ANTONYMS:
foreword, introduction, overture, preamble, preface, prelude, prologue ( prolog)1.
having little space between items or parts
compact, crowded, dense, jam-packed, packed, serried, thick, tightRELATED WORDS:
crammed, jammed, overcrowded; crushed, massed, pressed, squeezed, wall-to-wall; airtight, snug; compacted, compressed, condensed, congested; firm, hard, solid; impenetrable, impermeable, imperviousNEAR ANTONYMS:
commodious, roomy, spacious2.
not being distant in time, space, or significance
close-up, immediate, near, nearby, neighboring, next-door, nigh, proximateRELATED WORDS:
abutting, adjacent, adjoining, bordering, contiguous; approaching, coming, forthcoming, oncoming, upcoming; accessible, convenient, handy; close-in, hand-to-handNEAR ANTONYMS:
divorced, removed, separated3.
showing little difference in the standing of the competitors
down-to-the-wire, hairbreadth, narrow, neck and neck, nip and tuck, tightRELATED WORDS:
closely acquainted
bosom, buddy-buddy, chummy, close, especial, friendly, inseparable, intimate, inward, near, thick, tightRELATED WORDS:
clannish, close-knit, tight-knit; affable, boon, companionable, convivial, cordial, genial, gracious, hearty; gregarious, sociable, social; comfortable, cozy, easy, snug; amicable, neighborly; confidential, secretive; adoring, affectionate, dear, devoted, fond, loving, tender, tenderhearted, warmNEAR ANTONYMS:
aloof, antisocial, cold, cool, detached, distant, frosty, remote, reserved, standoffish, unfriendly, unsociable, withdrawn5.
given to keeping one's activities hidden from public observation or knowledge
close, closemouthed, dark, reticent, tight-mouthed, uncommunicativeRELATED WORDS:
quiet, reserved, silent, taciturn, tight-lipped; discreet, prudent; clandestine, covert, furtive, hugger-mugger, secret, sneak, sneaky, stealthy, surreptitious, undercover, underhand, underhandedNEAR ANTONYMS:
candid, frank, honest, out-front, up-front; blunt, outspoken, tactless6.
giving or sharing as little as possible
cheap, chintzy, close, closefisted, mean, mingy, miserly, niggard, niggardly, parsimonious, penny-pinching, penurious, pinching, pinchpenny, spare, sparing, stinting, tight, tightfisted, uncharitable, ungenerousRELATED WORDS:
careful, chary, conserving, economical, economizing, frugal, saving, scrimping, skimping, thrifty; acquisitive, avaricious, avid, coveting, covetous, desirous, grasping, greedy, hoggish, itchy, mercenary, rapacious, selfish, shabby, small, sordid; begrudging, envious, grudging, resentful; inhospitableNEAR ANTONYMS:
altruistic, selfless, unselfish; extravagant, free, handsome, lavish, overgenerous, profuse; beneficent, benevolent, hospitable, humanitarian, philanthropic ( philanthropical); compassionate, good-hearted, greathearted, kindly, magnanimous, openhearted; thriftless, unthrifty; dissipating, frittering, prodigal, profligate, spendthrift, splurging, squandering, wasteful, wasting7.
lacking fresh air
breathless, close, stifling, suffocatingRELATED WORDS:
airless, unventilated; fuggy; heavy, oppressive, thickNEAR ANTONYMS:
bracing, brisk, invigorating, refreshed, refreshing, restorative, reviving, sweet; ventilated8.
meeting the highest standard of accuracy
accurate, close, delicate, exact, fine, hairline, mathematical, pinpoint, refined, rigorous, spot-onRELATED WORDS:
correct, right, strict, true; definite, definitive; nice, subtle; careful, fastidious, finical, finicky, meticulousNEAR ANTONYMS:
approximate, round; false, incorrect, untrue, wrong; careless, loose; indefinite, unclear, vague; doubtful, dubious, questionable, unreliable, untrustworthyat, within, or to a short distance or time
around, by, close, hard, in, nearby, nighRELATED WORDS:
hereabouts ( hereabout), hereaway ( hereaways) [], thereabouts ( thereabout); along, alongside; accessibly, conveniently, handily1.
to position (something) so as to prevent passage through an opening
make, shut, steekRELATED WORDS:
bar, batten (down), bolt, chain, fasten, latch, lock; plug, seal, stopper; secure; bang, clap, slamNEAR ANTONYMS:
unbar, unbolt, unchain, unfasten, unlatch, unlock, unseal2.
to stop the operations of
close (down), close out, shutRELATED WORDS:
phase out, turn off; extinguish, quell, suppress; gag, muzzle, silence; fail, foldNEAR ANTONYMS:
build, expand3.
to bring (an event) to a natural or appropriate stopping point
close out, complete, conclude, end, finish, round (off out), terminate, wind up, wrap upRELATED WORDS:
climax, crown; consummate, perfect; halt, stop, suspend4.
to come to an end
break off, break up, close, conclude, dead-end, determine, die, discontinue, elapse, end, expire, finish, go, halt, lapse, leave off, let up, pass, quit, stop, terminate, wind up, wink (out)RELATED WORDS:
desist (from), lay off (of), refrain (from); give over [], knock off, pack (up in); break down, conk (out), cut out, stall; pause, stay, suspend; abate, peter (out), wind downNEAR ANTONYMS:
draw out, extend, prolong, protract5.
to come near or nearer
belly up, close, close in, come up, draw on, near, nighRELATED WORDS:
arrive, attain, come, gain, hit, land, make, reach, show up, turn up, waltz up; creep up, sneak up; adjoin, border, touch, vergeNEAR ANTONYMS:
clear out, depart, exit, go, leave, light out, pull out, quit, remove, run away, shove (off), take off, walk outto stop the operations of
close (down), close out, shutRELATED WORDS:
phase out, turn off; extinguish, quell, suppress; gag, muzzle, silence; fail, foldNEAR ANTONYMS:
build, expandto disallow entry into (a place) by means of a physical barrier at the entry point
bar, barricade, blockade, block (off), guard, wall (off)RELATED WORDS:
curtain (off), screen (off); dike, fence, gate, hedge; bolt, lock; obstructNEAR ANTONYMS:
reopen, unblock, unbolt