Learn to Sign the Word Rain

Hand Shape: claws with both hands, palms down Location: upper chest Tip: as if rain is coming down Action: move hands downward in a bouncing motion twice Video transcript: We are going to focus on a rainy day. So for RAIN you will take your open 5 hands and bring them...

Learn to Sign the Word Please

Hand Shape: flat hand, fingers closed, palm facing body Location: at chest level Tip: as if asking politely a request from the heart. Action: move hand in circle over heart twice Video transcript: PLEASE is done with an open flat hand on the chest with downward...

Learn to Sign the Word Flower

Hand Shape: flat “O” shape with right hand Location: at right side of nose Tip: as if you’re smelling a flower Action: move hand to left side of nose Video transcript: Flower is done with one hand and has your finger tips closed to touch each other, and then you would...

Learn to Sign the Word Book

Hand Shape: flat hands, closed fingers, Location: chest area Tip: your hands are the book Action: start with “prayer” hands, open twice (keep pinky side of hands touching). Video transcript: BOOK is done with the “prayer” hands and you would open it two times for the...

Learn to Sign the Word See

Hand shape: “V” with right hand, palm facing you Location: near side of your right eye Tip: The “V” becomes your eyes. Action: Start at the corner of your eye, move forward a short distance. This sign can be used throughout the day in games such as “Peek-A-Boo, I see...

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