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Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
milk (noun)
a) a fluid secreted by the mammary glands of females for the nourishment of their young , especially cow's milk used as a food by humans
b) - lactation cows in milk
a liquid resembling milk in appearance as
a) the latex of a plant
b) the juice of a coconut composed of liquid endosperm
c) the contents of an unripe kernel of grain
milk (verb)
transitive verb
a) (1) to draw milk from the breasts or udder of
(2) obsolete - suckle
b) to draw (milk) from the breast or udder
c) - suckle used of domestic animals
to draw something from as if by as - milking
a) to induce (a snake) to eject venom
intransitive verb
b) to draw or coerce profit or advantage from illicitly or to an extreme degree - exploit milk the joke for all it's worth to draw or yield milk
milk (adjective)
giving milk , specifically bred or suitable primarily for milk production - milk cows
Milk (geographical name)
river 625 (1006 ) Canada & United States in Alberta & Montana flowing into Missouri River - miles kilometers SE
Merriam-Webster Online Thesaurus
milk (verb)
to take unfair advantage of
abuse, capitalize (on), cash in (on), impose (on upon), leverage, milk, pimp, play (on upon), use, work
jerk around, manipulate, mistreat; bleed, cheat, fleece, overcharge, skin, soak, stick; commercialize, commodify

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