⭐️ Best ASL Preschool Curriculum ⭐️
Know WHAT to teach and WHEN to teach it.
Ideal for educators wanting to incorporate ASL in the classroom or as a companion to an existing curriculum.
Full Year – 13 Units
⭐ Gen-Ed
⭐ Deaf
⭐ Daycare
⭐ Speech
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Signing Stars for Preschool Curriculum and Special Education allows you to incorporate signing time into your classroom. Our full-year preschool lessons show how easy it is to teach and learn with the children.
Order now and help your students shine!
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❤️ Your job just got easier! ❤️
Pacing Guide & Vetted Video Library
Ready-made lessons & how to sign videos
Can use with a diverse group of students
Integrates with exisiting curriculum