Writing Prompts December


This is a downloadable product. Download the file and print on your own printer.


W.K.1 Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and
writing to compose opinion pieces that tell a reader
the topic or the name of the book being written
about and express an opinion or preference about
the topic or book (e.g., My favorite book is … ).

W.1.1 Write opinion pieces that introduce the topic or
name the book being written about, express an
opinion, supply a reason for the opinion, and provide
some sense of closure.

W.2.1 Write opinion pieces that introduce the
topic or book being written about, express an
opinion, supply reasons that support the opinion,
use linking words (e.g., because, and, also) to
connect opinion and reasons, and provide a
concluding statement or section.

This is a downloadable product. Download the file and print on your own printer.

What is included:
4 worksheets designed to improve writing, grammar, and creativity while learning sign language.
Topics for sentences are:
1. Christmas is fun because…
2. I like Santa because…
3. My Christmas Tree has…
4. My family’s holiday tradition is…
5. Red things I see around Christmas are…
6. The gift I want for Christmas is…

This worksheet is designed to improve writing, grammar, and creativity while learning sign language.

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ASL Teaching Resources
Writing Prompts December Sign Language Sample
ASL Writing Prompts December Sample 1
ASL Writing Prompts December Sample 2
Writing Prompts December Sign Language Sample
ASL Writing Prompts December Sample 1
ASL Writing Prompts December Sample 2
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