Sign Language Flashcards – Bathroom


Elevate Your Vocabulary with Bathroom Flashcards: A Multisensory Learning Adventure in English and Sign Language!

  • 12 Bathroom signs
  • English and Sign Language
  • Picture cards
  • With and without printed text
  • Colored and black-and-white versions

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Do you want to supercharge your bathroom-related vocabulary excitingly and inclusively? Dive into the world of Bathroom Flashcards! These versatile tools cater to learners of all levels, offering colored and black-and-white versions, visual picture cards for enhanced word association, and the flexibility to choose flashcard sets with or without written words. Prepare to embark on a multisensory learning adventure in English and Sign Language as you master 12 everyday bathroom signs!

Bathroom Flashcards Include:

  • English and Sign Language
  • With and without printed text
  • Colored and black-and-white versions
  • Bathroom signs
  • Bathroom picture cards

Bathroom flashcards make vocabulary-building fun and enhance learning in mainstream and special education settings. These flashcards turn learning food signs terms into an enjoyable multisensory adventure. Using visual, aural, and tactile learning techniques makes bathroom language learning fun and successful.

Bathroom Vocabulary Words

  • bath
  • bathroom
  • brush hair
  • brush teeth
  • dirty
  • dry
  • mirror
  • pee
  • poop
  • soap
  • toilet paper
  • wash hands
  • ASL Flashcard BONUS!

    You also get a QR code on the printable flashcards to give you a video link to see each word signed.

    1. Focus your smartphone’s camera on the QR code.
    2. Do not take a picture, instead, notice a pop-up.
    3. Click on that link to open the video.


    Our Best Ideas to Use ASL Flashcards

    Making your lesson fun and exciting gives your students a chance to enjoy themselves as they learn using sign language flashcards.  These activities focus on adding fun and excitement to using flashcards to teach and review vocabulary.  Once your students have learned the activity you can play it time and time again.

    1. Memory: You need 2 sets of flashcards for this game.  Place both sets face down on the floor.  Students take turns in turning over 2 cards (saying the cards aloud).  If the cards match then the student keeps the cards.  If the cards are different the cards are turned back over again in their original places.  The student with the most pairs at the end of the game is the winner.
    2. Charades: Have a student come to the front of the class and show a flashcard to that student.  The student then signs that word to the rest of the class and the first student to guess what it is can be the next player.  Variation: divide the class up into teams – the first student to guess wins a point for his/her team.
    3. Pictionary: Good for reviewing vocab.  Pick a student and show him/her a flashcard picture or whisper a word into his/her ear.  The student draws the picture on the board and the first student in the class to guess the picture gets to draw the next picture.  This can also be played in teams with a point system.
    4. Fingerspell: Sit your students in a circle with a person in the middle.  With their eyes closed, that person spins around pointing, and where he/she stops the person that is pointed to then signs the flashcard and fingerspells the word.  This builds receptive skills.
    5. Basketball: Students take a shot at the trash can/box/etc.  First show a flashcard to Student 1.  If s/he answers correctly then s/he can have a shot at the basket.  If the student gets the ball in the basket then s/he wins 2 points.  If the student hits the basket without going inside then s/he wins 1 point.  The person who gets the most points is the winner.  This can also be played in teams.
    6. Relay: Before this game, you need to have the students in two teams lined up in parallel lines.  Have one person at the front of the room pick a flashcard. After they sign it, the first student in each line races to ring the bell and then must give the correct word to match the sign.

    Enjoy these creative activities with American Sign Language Flashcards Food, and watch your students have a blast while learning and reviewing vocabulary!

    👉🏿 Additional Resources 👈🏻

    Collect More Bathroom Fun here.
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    ❤️ Sign Language in the Classroom: Quick Guide here.
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    ASL Teaching Resources
    ASL Flash Cards – First Signs Ages 1-4, Set of 12 words, Sign Language
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