Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
satisfy (verb)transitive verb
a) to carry out the terms of (as a contract) - discharge
b) to meet a financial obligation to
to make reparation to (an injured party) - indemnify
a) to make happy - please
b) to gratify to the full - appease
a) - convince
b) to put an end to (doubt or uncertainty) - dispel
a) to conform to (as specifications) be adequate to (an end in view)
intransitive verb
b) to make true by fulfilling a condition - values that satisfy an equation satisfy a hypothesis to be adequate - suffice , also - please pay
Merriam-Webster Online Thesaurus
satisfy (verb)1.
to put a complete end to (a physical need or desire)
assuage, quench, sate, satiate, slakeRELATED WORDS:
cater (to), gratify, humor, indulge; alleviate, lighten, relieve; cloy, saturate, surfeitNEAR ANTONYMS:
arouse, excite, pique, stimulate; tantalize, tease2.
to cause (someone) to agree with a belief or course of action by using arguments or earnest requests
argue, bring, bring around, convert, convince, gain, get, induce, move, prevail (on upon), satisfy, talk (into), win (over)RELATED WORDS:
blandish, blarney, cajole, coax, entreat, exhort, fast-talk, urge, wheedle; allure, beguile, lead on, lure, seduce, snow, tempt; brainwash, overpersuade; incline, influence, move, prompt, sell, sway; attract, draw, entice, interest; chew over, converse, debate, discuss, dispute, hash (over), moot; reason (with)NEAR ANTONYMS:
deter, discourage, dissuade, unsell3.
to do what is required by the terms of
answer, complete, comply (with), fill, keep, meet, redeem, satisfyRELATED WORDS:
conclude, consummate, finalize, finish, perfect; accomplish, achieve, bring about, bring off, carry out, effect; commit, compass, discharge, execute, follow through (with), make, performNEAR ANTONYMS:
default (on); disregard, forget, ignore, neglect, overlook, overpass, pass over, slight4.
to give satisfaction to
agree (with), content, delight, feast, gas, glad, gladden, gratify, pleasure, rejoice, satisfy, suit, warmRELATED WORDS:
appease, mollify, pacify, placate, soothe; assuage, quench, sate, satiate; excite, tickle, titillate; amuse, divert, entertain, treat; captivate, charm; galvanize, thrill; calm, comfort; cater (to), humor, indulge; coddle, mollycoddle, pamper, spoilNEAR ANTONYMS:
aggravate, annoy, bother, bug, chafe, cross, exasperate, gall, get, grate, irk, irritate, nettle, peeve, perturb, pique, put out, ruffle, vex; anger, enrage, incense, inflame ( enflame), infuriate, madden, outrage, rankle, rile, roil, steam up; provoke, rouse; agitate, distress, disturb, fret, upset; harass, harry, pester; affront, insult, offend5.
to provide (someone) with a just payment for loss or injury
indemnify, recompense, recoup, remunerate, requite, satisfyRELATED WORDS:
refund, reimburse, repay; redress, remedy, repair; discharge, pay, quit