Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
admonish (verb)transitive verb
a) to indicate duties or obligations to
b) to express warning or disapproval to especially in a gentle, earnest, or manner - solicitous
to give friendly earnest advice or encouragement to reprove
Merriam-Webster Online Thesaurus
admonish (verb)1.
to criticize (someone) usually gently so as to correct a fault
admonish, chide, reprimand, reproach, reprove, tick offRELATED WORDS:
berate, castigate, chew out, dress down, flay, harangue, jaw, keelhaul, lambaste ( lambast), lecture, rail (at against), rate, scold, score, upbraid; abuse, assail, attack, bad-mouth, blame, blast, censure, condemn, criticize, crucify, denounce, dis ( diss) [], excoriate, fault, knock, lash, pan, reprehend, slam; belittle, deprecate, disparage, minimize, mock, put down; deride, ridicule, scoff, scornNEAR ANTONYMS:
approve, endorse ( indorse), OK ( okay), sanction; applaud, extol ( extoll), hail, laud, praise, salute, tout2.
to give advice to
adjure, admonish, counselRELATED WORDS:
alert, caution, forewarn, warn; brief, clue (in), fill in, inform, tell, wise (up); coach, direct, guide, instruct, lead, mentor, shepherd, show, teach, tutor; direct, pilot, steer; acquaint, apprise, familiarize; convince, encourage, induce, persuade, talk (into); beg, exhort, implore, prevail (upon), urge; propose, recommend, suggest