Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
temple (noun)1.
a building for religious practice as
a) often capitalized either of two successive national sanctuaries in ancient Jerusalem
b) a building for Mormon sacred ordinances
c) the house of worship of Reform and some Conservative Jewish congregations
a local lodge of any of various fraternal orders , also the building housing it
a place devoted to a special purpose - a temple of cuisine
the flattened space on each side of the forehead of some mammals including humans
one of the side supports of a pair of glasses jointed to the bows and passing on each side of the head
Frederick 1821–1902 archbishop of Canterbury (1896–1902)
Shirley 1928– Am. actress & diplomat - Shirley Temple Black
Sir William 1628–1699 British statesman
William 1881–1944 archbishop of Canterbury (1942–44) - son of Frederick
city Texas of Waco 54,514 - NE cen SSW pop
Merriam-Webster Online Thesaurus
temple (noun)a building for public worship and especially Christian worship
kirk, tabernacle, templeRELATED WORDS:
abbey, bethel, cathedral, chapel, minster, mission, oratory, sanctuary, shrine; meetinghouse; mosque, pagoda, shul, synagogue ( synagog)