Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
spit (noun)1.
a slender pointed rod for holding meat over a fire
a small point of land especially of sand or gravel running into a body of water
transitive verb
to fix on or as if on a spit - impale
transitive verb
a) to eject (as saliva) from the mouth - expectorate
b) (1) to express (unpleasant or malicious feelings) by or as if by - spitting
(2) to utter with a spitting sound or scornful expression - spat out his words
c) to emit as if by spitting , especially to emit (precipitation) in driving particles or in flurries - spit rain
intransitive verb
to set to burning - spit a fuse
a) (1) to eject saliva as an expression of aversion or contempt
(2) to exhibit contempt
b) to eject matter (as saliva) from the mouth - expectorate
to rain or snow slightly or in flurries
to make a noise suggesting expectoration - sputter
a) (1) - spittle saliva
(2) the act or an instance of - spitting
b) (1) a frothy secretion exuded by - spittlebugs
(2) - spittlebug
perfect likeness
a sprinkle of rain or flurry of snow
Merriam-Webster Online Thesaurus
spit (noun)an area of land that juts out into a body of water
arm, foreland, headland, ness, peninsula, point, promontory, spitRELATED WORDS:
breakwater, jetty1.
something or someone that strongly resembles another
alter ego, carbon, carbon copy, clone, counterpart, doppelgänger ( doppelganger), double, duplicate, duplication, facsimile, fetch, likeness, look-alike, match, mirror image, picture, replica, ringer, spit, spitting image, twinRELATED WORDS:
Chinese copy; effigy, portrait, portrayal; companion, fellow, mate; equal, equivalent; analogue ( analog), parallelNEAR ANTONYMS:
antithesis, converse, opposite, reverse2.
the fluid that is secreted into the mouth by certain glands
drool, slaver, slobber, spit, spittleRELATED WORDS:
foam, froth; expectoration, salivation, sputumto penetrate or hold (something) with a pointed object
gore, harpoon, jab, lance, peck, pick, pierce, pink, puncture, run through, skewer, spear, spike, spit, stab, stick, transfix, transpierceRELATED WORDS:
spindle; perforate, riddle; bayonet, dirk, gimlet, pike, poniard, prong, quill; pinprick, poke, prick, punch, thrust; cut, knife, slice