Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
ruin (noun)1.
a) archaic a falling down - collapse from age to age … the crash of ruin fitfully resounds William Wordsworth
b) physical, moral, economic, or social collapse
a) the state of being - ruined archaic except in plural the city lay in ruins
b) the remains of something destroyed - usually used in plural the ruins of an ancient temple the ruins of his life
a cause of destruction
a) the action of destroying, laying waste, or wrecking
b) - damage injury
a ruined building, person, or object
transitive verb
to reduce to - ruins devastate
a) to damage irreparably
b) - bankrupt impoverish ruined by stock speculation
intransitive verb
to subject to frustration, failure, or disaster - will ruin your chances of promotion to become - ruined
Merriam-Webster Online Thesaurus
ruin (noun)1.
the state or fact of being rendered nonexistent, physically unsound, or useless
annihilation, decimation, demolishment, demolition, desolation, devastation, extermination, extinction, havoc, loss, mincemeat, obliteration, ruin, ruination, wastage, wreckageRELATED WORDS:
depredation, despoilment, despoliation; breakup, collapse, disintegration, dissolution; assassination, execution, killing, massacre, slaughter; dismantlement, effacement, eradicationNEAR ANTONYMS:
rescue, salvage, salvation, saving; conservation, preservation, protection; reclamation, reconstruction, re-creation, refurbishment, regeneracy, remodeling, renovation, restorationArray
ruin (noun)the portion or bits of something left over or behind after it has been destroyed
ashes, debris, detritus, flotsam, residue, rubble, ruins, wreck, wreckageRELATED WORDS:
jetsam, leavings, remnant; chaff, deadwood, dross, dust, garbage, junk, litter, refuse, riffraff, rubbish, scrap, trash, waste3.
the inability to pay one's debts
bankruptcy, failure, ruinRELATED WORDS:
Chapter 114.
something that is the cause of one's ultimate failure or loss of life
death, destruction, ruin, ruination, undoingRELATED WORDS:
bane, curse, torment; Achilles' heel, tragic flaw1.
to cause to lose one's fortune and become unable to pay one's debts
bankrupt, break, bustRELATED WORDS:
beggar, impoverish, pauperize; reduce, straiten; clean (out), wipe outNEAR ANTONYMS:
enrich, richen2.
to bring destruction to (something) through violent action
destroy, devastate, ruin, scourgeRELATED WORDS:
despoil, foray, harry, loot, maraud, pillage, plunder, sack, strip; annihilate, desolate, eradicate, expunge, extinguish, extirpate, nuke, obliterate, rub out, shatter, smash, total, vaporize, waste, wipe out, wrack, wreck; decimate, mow; demolish, raze; crush, overpower, overrun, overthrow, overwhelmNEAR ANTONYMS:
recondition, recover, redeem, rehabilitate, restore; fix, mend, patch, repair, revamp3.
to bring to a complete end the physical soundness, existence, or usefulness of
annihilate, cream, decimate, demolish, desolate, devastate, do in, extinguish, nuke, pull down, pulverize, raze, rub out, ruin, shatter, smash, tear down, total, vaporize, waste, wrack, wreckRELATED WORDS:
beat, best, clobber, conquer, crush, defeat, drub, lick, master, overbear, overcome, overmatch, prevail (over), rout, scotch, skunk, subdue, surmount, thrash, trim, triumph (over), trounce, wallop, whip, win (against); blast, blow up, break, cripple, damage, deface, deteriorate, disfigure, disintegrate, dissolve, dynamite, harm, impair, injure, mangle, mar, mutilate, spoil, vitiate; erode, scour, sweep (away), wash out, wear (away); dilapidate, disassemble, dismantle, gut, take down, unbuild, undo, unmake; blot out, efface, eradicate, expunge, exterminate, extirpate, liquidate, obliterate, remove, root (out), snuff (out), stamp (out), wipe out; despoil, havoc, loot, pillage, plunder, ravage, sack, trample, trash, vandalize; assassinate, butcher, cut down, dispatch, execute, fell, kill, kill off, massacre, mow (down), murder, slaughter, slay, take out, zapNEAR ANTONYMS:
doctor, fix, mend, patch, recondition, repair, revamp; create, invent; assemble, fabricate, fashion, forge, form, frame, make, manufacture, mold, produce, shape; bring about, constitute, establish, father, found, institute, organize; conserve, preserve, protect, save; rebuild, reconstruct, remodel, renovate, restore