Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
meet (verb)transitive verb
a) to come into the presence of - find
b) to come together with especially at a particular time or place - I'll meet you at the station
c) to come into contact or conjunction with - join
d) to appear to the perception of
to encounter as antagonist or foe - oppose
to enter into conference, argument, or personal dealings with
to conform to especially with exactitude and precision - a concept to meet all requirements
to pay fully - settle
to cope with - was able to meet every social situation
to provide for - enough money to meet our needs
to become acquainted with
- encounter experience
intransitive verb
to receive or greet in an official capacity
a) to come face-to-face
b) to come together for a common purpose - assemble
c) to come together as contestants, opponents, or enemies
to form a junction or confluence - the lines meet in a point
to occur together
the act of assembling for a hunt or for competitive sports
a competition in which individuals match skills
precisely adapted to a particular situation, need, or circumstance very proper fit
Merriam-Webster Online Thesaurus
meet (adjective)meeting the requirements of a purpose or situation
applicable, appropriate, apt, becoming, befitting, felicitous, fitted, fitting, good, happy, meet, pretty, proper, right, suitableRELATED WORDS:
condign, deserved, just, justified; needed, required, requisite; able, capable, competent, cut out, qualified, trained; pitch-perfect; acceptable, adequate, decent, kosher, satisfactory, serviceable, tolerable; correct, decorous, respectable, seemly; balanced, companionate, congruous, consonant, harmonious; rightfulNEAR ANTONYMS:
incapable, incompetent, inept, inexpert, unqualified, unskilled, unskillful, untrained; inadequate, intolerable, unacceptable, unsatisfactory; graceless, incorrect, indecorous; incompatible, uncongeniala competitive encounter between individuals or groups carried on for amusement, exercise, or in pursuit of a prize
bout, competition, contest, event, match, matchup, meet, sweepstakes ( sweep-stake), tournament, tourneyRELATED WORDS:
athletics, sport; battle, conflict, scrimmage, skirmish, struggle, tug-of-war, tussle; championship, national(s); final, nightcap, play-off, semifinal; derby, field day, gymkhana, open, outing; biathlon, decathlon, heptathlon, pentathlon, triathlon; marathon, race, ultramarathon; heat, round, run, set; rally, volley; round-robin, rubber, runoff, sudden death; dead heat, photo finish, seesaw; classic1.
to come upon face-to-face or as if face-to-face
catch, chance (upon), encounter, happen (upon), stumble (upon)RELATED WORDS:
accost, confront; face, greet, salute; collide (with), crash (into); crisscross, cross, pass; hit (upon), light (upon), tumble (to); reencounter, remeetNEAR ANTONYMS:
avoid, dodge, duck, elude, escape, evade, shake, shun2.
to come together into one body or place
cluster, collect, concenter, concentrate, conglomerate, congregate, convene, converge, forgather ( foregather), gather, meet, rendezvousRELATED WORDS:
affiliate, ally, associate, band (together), caucus, club, collaborate, confederate, conjoin, consolidate, consort, cooperate, couple, federate, gang up, join, merge, unite; reassemble, reconvene, regather, remeetNEAR ANTONYMS:
depart, leave, take off; disjoin, dissociate, disunite3.
to come upon unexpectedly or by chance
chance (upon), encounter, find, hit (upon), light (on upon), meet, pitch (upon), stumble (on onto), tumble (upon)RELATED WORDS:
luck (out, on, onto, into); confront, face; discover, strike, turn up4.
to do what is required by the terms of
answer, complete, comply (with), fill, keep, meet, redeem, satisfyRELATED WORDS:
conclude, consummate, finalize, finish, perfect; accomplish, achieve, bring about, bring off, carry out, effect; commit, compass, discharge, execute, follow through (with), make, performNEAR ANTONYMS:
default (on); disregard, forget, ignore, neglect, overlook, overpass, pass over, slight5.
to enter into contest or conflict with
battle, encounter, face, meet, take onRELATED WORDS:
emulate, rival; contend, fight, opposeNEAR ANTONYMS:
elude, escape, evade; retreat6.
to produce something equal to (as in quality or value)
match, meet, tieRELATED WORDS:
beat, better, eclipse, excel, outdistance, outdo, outshine, outstrip, overtop, surpass, top, transcend; amount (to), approach, touch; approximate, keep up, measure up (to), parallel, rival, stack up (against with)7.
to put up with (something painful or difficult)
abide, absorb, accept, bide, brook, countenance, endure, go, hack, handle, meet, pocket, stand, stick out, stomach, support, sustain, sweat out, take, tolerate, wearRELATED WORDS:
allow, permit, suffer, swallow; reconcile (to); acquiesce, agree (with to), assent (to), capitulate, consent (to), respect, submit (to), yield (to)NEAR ANTONYMS:
decline, dismiss, refuse, reject, repudiate, spurn, turn down; combat, contest, fight, oppose, resist; avoid, bypass, circumvent, dodge, elude, escape, evade, miss; abstain (from), forbear, refrain (from)8.
to give what is owed for
ante up, balance, clear, discharge, foot, liquidate, meet, pay off, pay up, pony up, quit, recompense, settle, spring (for), stand