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Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
immersion (noun)
the act of or the state of being as - immersing immersed
a) baptism by complete submersion of the person in water
b) absorbing involvement - immersion in politics
c) instruction based on extensive exposure to surroundings or conditions that are native or pertinent to the object of study , especially foreign language instruction in which only the language being taught is used - learned French through immersion
Merriam-Webster Online Thesaurus
immersion (noun)
a focusing of the mind on something
absorption, concentration, engrossment, enthrallment, immersion
fixation, obsession, preoccupation; alertness, application, awareness, consciousness, consideration, heedfulness, intentness, raptness, regard; contemplation, meditation, musing, pondering, rumination
absence, absentmindedness, abstractedness, abstraction, detachment, distraction, obliviousness, remoteness, unawareness, unconsciousness, withdrawal; disinterest, indifference, mindlessness, unconcern; befuddlement, bemusement, bewilderment, confusion

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