Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
dress (verb)transitive verb
a) to make or set straight
b) to arrange (as troops) in a straight line and at proper intervals
to prepare for use or service , specifically to prepare for cooking or for the table - dress a salad
to add decorative details or accessories to - embellish
a) to put clothes on - dress a child
b) to provide with clothing - feed and dress a growing family
archaic - dress down
a) to apply or medicaments to - dressings dress a wound
b) (1) to arrange (as the hair) by combing, brushing, or curling
(2) to groom and curry (an animal)
c) to kill and prepare for market or for consumption - often used with out
d) - cultivate tend , especially to apply manure or fertilizer to - dress a field
intransitive verb
e) to put through a finishing process , especially to trim and smooth the surface of (as lumber or stone)
a) to put on clothing
b) to put on or wear formal, elaborate, or fancy clothes - dress for dinner
of a food animal to weigh after being - dressed often used with out
to align oneself with the next soldier in a line to make the line straight
- apparel clothing
an outer garment (as for a woman or girl) usually consisting of a one-piece bodice and skirt
covering, adornment, or appearance appropriate or peculiar to a particular time
a particular form of presentation - guise
suitable for a formal occasion - dress clothes dress shoes
requiring or permitting formal dress - a dress affair
relating to or used for a dress - dress material
Merriam-Webster Online Thesaurus
dress (adjective)relating to or suitable for wearing to an event requiring elegant dress and manners
dressy, formalRELATED WORDS:
costume, costumey; chic, dapper, fashionable, in, modish, natty, sharp, smart, snappy, stylish; custom-made, fitted, tailored; black-tie, evening, white-tie; semiformalNEAR ANTONYMS:
street; dowdy, outmoded, styleless, unfashionable, unstylish; frowsy ( frowzy), grungy, sloppy, sloven, slovenly, unkempt, untidy; disheveled ( dishevelled), messy, mussy, rumpled, wrinkled1.
a garment with a joined blouse and skirt usually worn by a woman or girl
frock, gownRELATED WORDS:
chemise, coatdress, granny dress, housedress, jumper, kimono, kirtle, minidress, Mother Hubbard, muumuu, overdress, sack, sheath, shift, shirtdress, shirtwaist, sundress, sweaterdress, tea gown2.
clothing chosen as appropriate for a specific situation
costume, drag, dress, garb, getup, guise, togsRELATED WORDS:
apparel, attire, clothes, duds, habiliment(s), raiment; fashion, mode, style; array, caparison, vestments3.
covering for the human body
apparel, attire, clobber, clothes, costumery, dress, duds, garments, gear, habiliment(s), habit, rags, raiment, rig, rigging, threads, toggery, togs, vestiary, vestments, vesture, wear, wearables, weedsRELATED WORDS:
garderobe, wardrobe; array, bravery, caparison, finery, gaiety ( gayety), glad rags, pretties, regalia, trim; foofaraw, frippery, gaudery, tawdry, trumpery []; tatters; costume, ensemble, frock, garb, getup, guise, livery, outfit; civvies ( civies), mufti; couture, prêt-à -porter ( pret-a-porter), ready-to-wear, tailoring; activewear, loungewear, outerwear, playwear, sportswear; nightclothes, sleepwear, smallclothes, underclothes, underwear; haberdashery, menswear4.
the outward form of someone or something especially as indicative of a quality
aspect, dress, figure, garb, look, mien, outside, presence, regardRELATED WORDS:
air, attitude, bearing, behavior, comportment, demeanor, deportment, manner, poise, pose; carriage, posture, stance; cast, mold, shape, turn; color, coloring, complexion; countenance, face, features, habit, habitus, person [], physiognomy, superficies, visage1.
to cover with a bandage
bind, dress, swatheRELATED WORDS:
attend, care (for), doctor, medicate, minister (to), nurse, treat; cure, heal, mend, rehabilitate, remedyNEAR ANTONYMS:
to make more attractive by adding something that is beautiful or becoming
adorn, array, beautify, bedeck, bedizen, blazon, caparison, deck, do, doll up, do up, drape, dress, embellish, emblaze, emboss, enrich, fancify, fancy up, festoon, garnish, glitz (up), grace, gussy up, ornament, pretty (up), trimRELATED WORDS:
accessorize, dress up, trap, trick (out); brighten, freshen, smarten, spruce (up); boss, chase; braid, embroider, feather, figure, filigree, fillet, flounce, frill, fringe, furbelow, garland, hang, lace, ribbon, swag, wreathe; appliqué, gild, paint; diamond, gem, impearl, jewel, pearl; redecorate, redoNEAR ANTONYMS:
simplify, streamline; bare, denude, dismantle, display, divest, expose, reveal, strip, uncover; uglify3.
to make smooth or glossy usually by repeatedly applying surface pressure
buff, burnish, dress, furbish, gloss, grind, rub, shine, smooth, smoothenRELATED WORDS:
sleek, slick; coat, glaze, japan, lacquer, varnish; face, finish, veneer; brighten; file, rasp, sand, sandblast, sandpaper, scour, scrape, scrub; bob, bone, lapNEAR ANTONYMS:
rough (up), roughen, ruffle, scuff (up)4.
to outfit with clothes and especially fine or special clothes
apparel, array, attire, bedeck, caparison, costume, deck (out), do up, dress, dress up, enrobe, garb, garment, get up, gown, habit, invest, rig (out), robe, suit, tog (up out), toilet, vestureRELATED WORDS:
cloak, frock, jacket, mantle, vest; drape, enswathe, hap [], huddle, swaddle, swathe, wrap; accoutre ( accouter), bedight [], equip, furnish, habilitate, outfit, tailor, uniform; dress down, underdressNEAR ANTONYMS:
denude, divest, uncover, undrape, unveil5.
to put on one's best or formal clothes
doll up, dressRELATED WORDS:
preen, primp, prink, smarten (up); accessorize; apparel, array, attire, bedeck, bedizen, caparison, clothe, costume, deck, dude (up), garb, garment, invest, rig (out), robe, suit, tog (out up)6.
to look after or assist the growth of by labor and care
crop, cultivate, culture, dress, promote, raise, rear, tendRELATED WORDS:
breed, produce, propagate; plant, sow; gather, glean, harvest, reap; germinate, quicken, ripen, root, sproutNEAR ANTONYMS:
kill; dig, extirpate, pick, pluck, pull (up), uproot; cut, hay, mow