Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
bright (adjective)1.
a) radiating or reflecting light - shining sparkling bright lights bright eyes
b) - sunny a bright day , also radiant with happiness - bright smiling faces bright moments
- illustrious glorious brightest star of the opera
- beautiful
of high saturation or lightness - bright colors
a) - lively cheerful be bright and jovial among your guests Shakespeare
b) - intelligent clever a bright idea bright children
- auspicious promising bright prospects for the future
a bright color - usually used in plural rich earth tones and crisp brights Patricia Peterson
John 1811–1889 Eng. orator & statesman
Merriam-Webster Online Thesaurus
bright (adjective)1.
giving off or reflecting much light
beaming, bedazzling, brilliant, candescent, clear, dazzling, effulgent, fulgent, glowing, incandescent, lambent, lucent, lucid, luminous, lustrous, radiant, refulgent, sheeny, shining, shiny, splendidRELATED WORDS:
ablaze, ardent, blazing, burning, combusting, fiery, flaming, red-hot; agleam, aglitter, blinding, coruscant, flaring, flashing, flickering, gemmy, glancing, glaring, gleaming, glimmering, glinting, glistening, glistering, glittering, scintillant, scintillating, shimmering, shimmery, sparkling, sunny, twinkling, winking; burnished, polished, shined; superbright, ultrabrightNEAR ANTONYMS:
blackened, dark, darkened, darkish, darkling, darksome, dimmed, dusky, gloomy, lightless, murky, obscure, obscured, pitch-black, pitch-dark, somber ( sombre), sunless, tenebrous, unlit; cloudy, shadowlike, shadowy, shady; gray ( grey), leaden, pale, palish2.
filled with much light
ablaze, alight, brightened, illuminated, illumined, light, lightsome, lit ( lighted)RELATED WORDS:
floodlit ( floodlighted), highlighted, spotlighted ( spotlit); ignited, kindled; moonlit, shiny, sunlit, sunny, sunshinyNEAR ANTONYMS:
gloomy, somber ( sombre), sunless; cloudy, murky, obscured, shadowlike, shadowy; gray ( grey), leaden, pale; lightproof3.
having or showing a good mood or disposition
blithe, blithesome, bright, buoyant, canty, cheery, chipper, eupeptic, gay, gladsome, lightsome, sunny, upbeat, winsomeRELATED WORDS:
hopeful, optimistic, rosy, sanguine; animated, chirpy, jaunty, lilting, lively, perky, sprightful, sprightly, vivacious; carefree, careless, cavalier, devil-may-care, easygoing, happy-go-lucky, insouciant, lighthearted, unconcerned; boon, gleeful, jocund, jolly, jovial, merry, mirthful; blissful, delighted, glad, gratified, happy, joyful, joyous, pleased, satisfied, tickled; beaming, grinning, laughing, smilingNEAR ANTONYMS:
joyless, sad, unhappy, unsatisfied; dull, lethargic, listless, sluggish, torpid; blue, brokenhearted, crestfallen, dejected, depressed, despondent, disconsolate, disheartened, down, downcast, downhearted, droopy, forlorn, hangdog, heavyhearted, inconsolable, low, low-spirited, melancholy, mirthless, sorrowful4.
having or showing quickness of mind
alert, brainy, bright, brilliant, clever, exceptional, fast, hyperintelligent, keen, nimble, quick, quick-witted, sharp, sharp-witted, smart, supersmart, ultrasmartRELATED WORDS:
apt, ingenious, resourceful; acute, astute, discerning, heady, insightful, knowing, perceptive, percipient, perspicacious, sagacious, sapient, savvy, wise; cerebral, erudite, genial, highbrow, knowledgeable, learned, literate, scholarly, well-read; educated, informed, schooled, skilled, trained; creative, inventive, judicious, prudent, sage, sane, sapient, sensible, sound, wise; crafty, cunning, foxy, shrewd, wily; logical, rational, reasonableNEAR ANTONYMS:
feebleminded, simpleminded; boobish, foolish, half-baked, idiotic ( idiotical), imbecile ( imbecilic), moronic, silly; ignorant, illiterate, lowbrow, nonintellectual, unacademic, uneducated, uninformed, unintellectual, untaught, unthinking; absurd, asinine, balmy, cockeyed, crackpot, crazy, cuckoo, daffy, daft, dippy, dotty, featherheaded, fool, half-baked, harebrained, insane, kooky ( kookie), loony ( looney), lunatic, mad, nonsensical, nutty, preposterous, sappy, screwball, tomfool, unwise, wacky ( whacky), zany5.
having qualities which inspire hope
auspicious, bright, encouraging, fair, golden, heartening, likely, optimistic, promising, propitious, roseate, rose-colored, rosy, upbeatRELATED WORDS:
cheering, comforting, reassuring, soothing; assured, confident, decisive, doubtless, positive, sure, unhesitating; beamish, bullish, eupeptic; favorable, goodNEAR ANTONYMS:
cheerless, comfortless; doubtful, dubious, uncertain; bearish, grim, negative, unfavorable; funereal, glum, gray ( grey), miserable, wretched6.
pointing toward a happy outcome
auspicious, bright, encouraging, golden, heartening, hopeful, promising, propitiousRELATED WORDS:
fortunate, fortuitous, happy, lucky, providential; advantageous, beneficial, profitable, prosperous, salutaryNEAR ANTONYMS:
unfortunate, unhappy, unlucky; calamitous, catastrophic, disastrous, fatal, ruinous; baleful, dark, dire, direful, doomy, foreboding, gloomy, ill, ill-boding, menacing, minatory, ominous, portentous, sinister, threatening7.
serving to lift one's spirits
bright, cheering, cheery, gay, gladRELATED WORDS:
gladdening, heartening, heartwarming; gleaming, radiant, sparklingNEAR ANTONYMS:
discouraging, disheartening; colorless, drab, dull, lackluster, lusterless; black, desolate, dispiriting8.
standing above others in rank, importance, or achievement
astral, bright, distinguished, illustrious, luminous, noble, notable, noteworthy, outstanding, preeminent, prestigious, redoubtable, signal, star, superiorRELATED WORDS:
celebrated, exalted, famed, famous, glorious, honored, renowned, reputable; infamous, notorious; dominant, paramount, predominantNEAR ANTONYMS:
insignificant, minor, unimportant; average, inferior, mediocre; obscure, uncelebrated, unsung9.
having or being an outward sign of good feelings (as of love, confidence, or happiness)
aglow, beaming, bright, glowing, sunnyRELATED WORDS:
brilliant, dazzling, effulgent, gleaming, luminous, refulgent, shining, starry; blithe, blithesome, bright, cheerful, cheery, chipper, gay, gladsome, lightsome, merry, mirthful, optimistic, upbeat; jocund, jovial, laughing, smiling; blooming, rosy; blissful, chuffed [], delighted, gratified, happy, joyful, joyous, pleased, satisfied, thankful, tickledNEAR ANTONYMS:
blank, flat, listless, stoic ( stoical), unemotional; black, dark, darkening, depressing, dismal, gloomy, glum, gray ( grey), melancholy, sullen; frowning, glaring, glowering, lowering ( louring), scowling10.
not stormy or cloudy
bright, clear, cloudless, sunny, sunshiny, uncloudedRELATED WORDS:
balmy, clement, gentle, mild, moderate, temperate; calm, halcyon, peaceful, placid, serene, tranquil; fine, pleasantNEAR ANTONYMS:
harsh, inclement, severe; blustering, blustery, breezy, gusty; foggy, hazy, misty, murky, soupyin a manner marked by the shining or reflecting of much light
bright, brilliantly, dazzlingly, fulgently, glowingly, incandescently, lambently, luminously, lustrously, radiantly, splendidlyRELATED WORDS:
blazingly, burningly, flamingly; blindingly, flaringly, flickeringly, glaringly, glitteringly, opalescently; pellucidlyNEAR ANTONYMS:
darkly, duskily, gloomily, murkily, obscurely, somberly; cloudily, shadily, shadowily