Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
banquet (noun)1.
a sumptuous feast , especially an elaborate and often ceremonious meal for numerous people often in honor of a person - a state banquet
a meal held in recognition of some occasion or achievement - an awards banquet
intransitive verb
transitive verb
to partake of a banquet to treat with a banquet - feast
Merriam-Webster Online Thesaurus
banquet (noun)a large fancy meal often accompanied by ceremony or entertainment
banquet, dinner, feed, regale, spreadRELATED WORDS:
chow, mess, repast, table; blowout, carnival, festival, fete ( fête), gala, party, shindig; festivity; barbecue, clambake, cookout, fry, luau, roast; buffet, luncheon, smorgasbordto entertain with a fancy meal
banquet, dine, junket, regaleRELATED WORDS:
board, cater, feed, provision; fete ( fête), honor, recognize