Lesson 1: ASL Alphabet
Congratulations! 🎉
Welcome to the ASL Boot Camp, where your journey begins!
I bet you’re excited to get started!
In today’s lesson, you will learn the Alphabet in Sign Language.
Watch the video below and practice along, copying each letter as shown.
Watch as often as needed until you’ve mastered your ABCs.
Once you learn your alphabet, you will soon discover its function as “fingerspelling.”
Today’s ASL Goal:
Spell your name in sign language.
You’ve just finished Lesson 1!
You have officially started your ASL journey!
You’re well on your way to comprehending sign language!
We are so excited for you!
What do you do next? Check your email. (Don’t see it? Check your spam folder).
I’ll email you a link to unlock ASL Boot Camp Lesson #2 tomorrow.
Meanwhile, keep practicing learning this foundational skill.
Click on the image to download and post to your social media to let them know you are learning sign language. Be proud!

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